The Moon Is To Live On -- Gown Lady

Perhaps the most fun costume from The Moon is to Live on by Meow Wolf.

When Caity told me about this idea and asked for my help with the costumes, I couldn't resist. The concept was a 12ft tall women wearing a dress with a giant skirt. She would enter and stand at center stage and her dress would open revealing a tree trunk instead of legs, her skirt becoming the canopy of the tree.

Gown Lady, as she was eventually called, got scaled back quite a bit. She was a little under 12ft tall with a tree trunk, but we had to give up on filling the skirt with leaves. Still, I got to make a great Rococo top to the dress. The main part of the skirt was made from a parachute. It was my initial idea and worked really well. Unveiling her was always fun. No one knew what to make of it.

The trunk was made on a ladder by Sean. The ladder was on a pallet on wheels and the whole deal was surprisingly stable, if a little squeaky.

Benji dressed as a fop and introduced her in a mix of about 4 different languages. The weirdest part is that I think he said the same thing every night.

Worn by the lovely Kirstiann.

The lighting was so weird that it was hard to get good pictures. Also, Kirsti's head was up so high that none of the lights really reached her.

But that wig looked pretty cool in the black light.

See the full flickr set from the play here.